Missing In Action

Well the past month has been insane. Trying to prepare for vacation that I must take or lose it. This means trying to clear as much work as you can by either delegating to someone else or doing the work in advance. So in short, not much time for adding posts here. At the same time, we’ve been putting together a podcast for ourselves. Rita and I have always enjoyed goofing around and a podcast is an easy way to break out of the writing only world and get some audio in place. We created The Prehensile and Gretel Show because we just want to have fun. And if you have no place to blow off some steam, you end up in deep shit over the long run. We’re just starting out, so we’ll see how it goes!

Bittersweet days the past week as we learned our friend Jenny Seay would be leaving the Chicago area to head West for a new job. Jenny created and has been the force behind the Tamale Hut Cafe Presents reading series. This series has been well-attended and loved for over 8 years. Jenny you will be missed! Sheila Johnson has accepted the challenge (and the Picard figure), taking over as creative director. After a month off in July, it’s more reading in August. August already?

Here’s the problem with summer: you wait so damn long for it to arrive that you cannot possibly fit in all the things you want to do. I should write, work in the garden, wash the car, fix shit up, hang out, relax, learn to cook some new things, write another book, make some guitars…you know. Too many interests and not enough time.

Check out the podcast. I’m sure I’ll get around to discussing The Randy Scuffle Papers on a future episode, so watch for that.


-Phil Reebius


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